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Teacher Value-Added Summary
Understanding the Report

Growth Index
The growth index is a reliable measure of whether students exceeded, met, or fell short of expected growth. This value takes into account the amount of growth the students made as well as the amount of evidence above or below expected growth. Specifically, the growth index is the growth measure divided by its standard error.
The table includes the growth index values for up to three years, when sufficient data is available. These values are plotted as color-coded diamonds in the growth index graph at the top of the report.
Growth Measure
Each growth measure is a conservative estimate of the academic growth the students made, on average, in a grade and subject or course. The growth measure is based on students that were linked to the teacher and the percentage of instruction. Because the growth measures are estimates, consider their associated standard errors as you interpret the values.
The growth measure is calculated differently for assessments analyzed with the gain model than it is for other assessments.
See also: Measuring Growth.
Standard Error
All growth measures on the EVAAS reports are estimates. All estimates have some amount of measurement error, which is known as the standard error. This value defines a confidence band around the growth measure, which describes how strong the evidence is that the group of students exceeded, met, or fell short of expected growth.
For more information about standard errors, see Growth Measures and Standard Errors.
Expected Growth
Expected Growth represents the point at which the students' scores, on average, align with expectations.
Expected Growth signifies the minimum amount of academic growth that educators should expect a group of students to make in a subject and grade or course. In general, this signifies appropriate, expected academic growth. Simply put, the expectation is that regardless of their entering achievement level, students served by each district, school, or teacher should at least make enough progress to maintain their achievement level relative to their peers. This is a reasonable target for educators who serve all types of students. Expected Growth is represented by a vertical green line in the graph.
Student Growth Measure
To view the Student Growth Measure report, select that option from the Tests/Subjects menu. A teacher's student growth measures is a combined measure of tested subjects, grades, and courses in which the teacher received a value-added report. For more information, see Student Growth Measure.