- Measuring Growth
- Reports
- Accountability Reports
- School Reports
- District Reports
- Teacher Reports
- Student Reports
- Comparison Reports
- Human Capital Retention Dashboard
- Roster Verification (RV)
- Getting Started
- Specifying Instructional Responsibility
- All Actions by Role
- All Actions for Teachers
- All Actions for School Administrators or Roster Approvers
- Manage teachers' access to RV
- Assign other school users the Roster Approver permission
- View a teacher's rosters
- Take control of a teacher's rosters
- Add and remove rosters for a teacher
- Copy a roster
- Apply a percentage of instructional time to every student on a roster
- Batch print overclaimed and underclaimed students
- Remove students from a roster
- Add a student to a roster
- Return a teacher's rosters to the teacher
- Approve a teacher's rosters
- Submit your school's rosters to the district
- All Actions for district admin or district roster approvers
- Assign other district users the Roster Approver permission
- Take control of a school's rosters
- View a teacher's rosters
- View the history of a teacher's rosters
- Edit a teacher's rosters
- Add and remove rosters for a teacher
- Copy a roster
- Apply a percentage of instructional time to every student on a roster
- Batch print overclaimed and underclaimed students
- Return a school's rosters to the school
- Approve rosters that you have verified
- Submit your district's rosters
- Understanding the RV Pages
- Viewing the History of Actions on Rosters
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- General Help
Teacher Evaluation Dashboard
The Teacher Evaluation Dashboard displays a teacher's ratings on standards one through five in the NC Educator Evaluation System.
Standards One Through Five
The report displays the teacher's ratings for standards one through five. These standards reflect the teacher's demonstrated professional competencies, instructional practices, and involvement in the school community. These standards are qualitative measures, based primarily on observations and teacher-submitted artifacts. Each of these standards has five possible ratings. These color-coded ratings are Not Demonstrated, Developing, Proficient, Accomplished, and Distinguished. For these standards, a rating of Proficient or higher meets professional expectations for teachers.
Some teachers do not have ratings for all five of these standards. Principals have the option of completing an abbreviated evaluation for career-status teachers. In the abbreviated evaluation, only some of the standards are populated.
Teachers Who Moved from One District to Another
Because the Teacher Evaluation Dashboard is considered part of a teacher's personnel record, the report cannot display data related to the teacher's employment in a different district than the one in which he/she is currently employed.