Table of Contents
- Measuring Growth
- Reports
- Accountability Reports
- School Reports
- District Reports
- Teacher Reports
- Student Reports
- Comparison Reports
- Human Capital Retention Dashboard
- Roster Verification (RV)
- Getting Started
- Specifying Instructional Responsibility
- All Actions by Role
- All Actions for Teachers
- All Actions for School Administrators or Roster Approvers
- Manage teachers' access to RV
- Assign other school users the Roster Approver permission
- View a teacher's rosters
- Take control of a teacher's rosters
- Add and remove rosters for a teacher
- Copy a roster
- Apply a percentage of instructional time to every student on a roster
- Batch print overclaimed and underclaimed students
- Remove students from a roster
- Add a student to a roster
- Return a teacher's rosters to the teacher
- Approve a teacher's rosters
- Submit your school's rosters to the district
- All Actions for district admin or district roster approvers
- Assign other district users the Roster Approver permission
- Take control of a school's rosters
- View a teacher's rosters
- View the history of a teacher's rosters
- Edit a teacher's rosters
- Add and remove rosters for a teacher
- Copy a roster
- Apply a percentage of instructional time to every student on a roster
- Batch print overclaimed and underclaimed students
- Return a school's rosters to the school
- Approve rosters that you have verified
- Submit your district's rosters
- Understanding the RV Pages
- Viewing the History of Actions on Rosters
- Additional Resources
- Admin Help
- General Help
Why Students' NCEs Might Change
Students' NCEs might change from year to year for the following reasons:
- Exclusion rules might change. Exclusion rules for one year might include and exclude different students than the exclusion rules for another year. For example, if a business rule changed to include students that were previously excluded current and previous NCEs would be adjusted with this change.
- Each year we have more student assessment data. In some cases, this additional data enables us to know more about a student's cohort and testing history, which might impact which student data are included or excluded. For example, a student that was accelerated or retained and tested with a different grade level (cohort) in the most recent prior year available was excluded. In the current year, this student might be included now that they have assessment data with the student's new cohort.
These small differences in student counts within each year can cause slight shifts in the NCEs for prior years.
NCEs on Value-Added reports do not change from year to year.