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Kindergarten teachers only claim from MOY to EOY

The FL VAM growth measures for kindergarten are based on students' performance between the middle of year (MOY) and end of year (EOY) tests. Historically, there has not been enough differentiation in students' performance on the beginning of year (BOY) test to establish students' entering achievement. Most students score at the very lowest end of the scale, and it is not clear whether the data gathered in the Early Reading assessment is a true representation of what students know or if they simply don't know how to respond and react to the new world of assessment. By MOY, students have become more accustomed to the assessment process and the data spread provides differences and variations among students, making a comparison between MOY and EOY possible for measuring their growth.

Since entering achievement is defined by the MOY test, kindergarten teachers should only claim instructional responsibility from the MOY to EOY test administrations. As an example, if a student enters your class on the first day of school, but moves to another school before the MOY test, remove that student from your roster.