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Roster Verification

District Roster Verification Summary

To access context-sensitive help for Roster Verification when Roster Verification is active, use the Reports menu to access your roster verification summary and click Help again.

About the District Roster Verification Summary

Information at the top of the District Roster Verification Summary identifies the current phase and when it ends. The phases are described in Getting Started with Roster Verification.

Schools are in one of the following lists on the left side of the screen. Only the lists that contain schools are displayed.

  • Ready for Review: Schools are listed here when a LEA admin or district roster approver has taken control of the school, when a school administrator or school roster approver has submitted the school, and when the school has been auto-submitted. A LEA admin or district roster approver can edit rosters in this list.
  • Approved: A LEA admin or district roster approver has verified the schools listed here. The goal is to get all schools into this list before the District Verification phase ends.
  • Not Ready for Review: A LEA admin or district roster approver can view rosters for the schools in this list, but cannot edit them. In most cases, district users should leave rosters in this list alone, but if a school administrator or school roster approver is unavailable to verify rosters, a LEA admin or district roster approver can take control of that school.