Table of Contents
Roster Verification

Getting Started with Roster Verification

In the diagram below, each arrow represents a phase in roster verification. These phases are summarized below the diagram. EVAAS can also handle atypical scenarios, such as cases when a teacher or School Administrator is not available during their designated phase, or a School Administrator needs to return a teacher's rosters to the teacher.

It is important that rosters are accurate because EVAAS uses them, along with test scores, to generate Teacher Value-Added reports.

About the Phases

The phases help the different user roles organize their activities. Roster statuses, which are displayed on all summary reports and all rosters, determine which role has edit capability. For more information see who can edit when.

Each phase closes at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the dates listed below. Each subsequent phase opens immediately after the previous phase closes. Although users can access Roster Verification continuously, they are notified that their phase has begun on the first Monday of the phase.

Before Roster Verification Begins

The NC Department of Public Instruction pulled class rosters from PowerSchool and transmitted them to EVAAS. Teachers, School Admins, and Central Office Staff log on to their EVAAS accounts to view these rosters and make changes as needed.

Preview Phase: To be announced

School Administrators and District Administrators prepare for teachers

  • Optionally, assign Roster Approver permission to staff so they can assist with district or school roster verification
  • Add teachers who do not already have access to Roster Verification at the school
  • Remove teachers who should not have access to Roster Verification at the school
  • Add and remove rosters for teachers

To accommodate situations where a School Administrator or School Roster Approver is not available, a district admin or district roster approver can take control of the school's rosters. This capability is provided for rare cases when a District Administrator is the most appropriate role to prepare for the Teacher Verification phase.

Teachers do not have edit capability during the Preview phase.

Teacher Verification Phase: To be announced

The teachers who have access to Roster Verification are notified by email when the Teacher Verification phase starts. A teacher can:

  • Add and remove rosters
  • Add and remove students on rosters
  • Claim instructional responsibility for each student

  • Submit all rosters to the school

When the Teacher Verification phase ends, any rosters that a teacher did not submit are auto-submitted.

School Verification Phase: To be announced

A School Administrator's objective during this phase is to verify the school's rosters and submit them to the District Administrator by midnight on the day that the School Verification phase ends. A School Administrator or School Roster Approver can:

  • Add or remove a teacher's access to Roster Verification
  • Add or remove rosters for a teacher
  • Edit a teacher's rosters
  • Move rosters for unavailable teachers up to the school
  • Investigate overclaimed and underclaimed students

  • Send rosters back to a teacher
  • Verify the School's rosters
  • Submit the School's rosters to the district

District Verification Phase: To be announced

A district admin or district roster approver's objective during this phase is to verify the district's rosters and submit them by midnight on the day that the District Verification phase ends. A district admin or district roster approver can:

  • Add or remove rosters for a teacher
  • Edit a teacher's rosters
  • Investigate overclaimed and underclaimed students

  • Send a school's rosters back to the School Administrator
  • Verify the District's rosters
  • Submit the District's rosters
Once a district admin or district roster approver submits the district's rosters, they are considered final, and they cannot be returned to the district.