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Roster Verification

Instructions for NCVPS teachers

North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) teachers participate in roster verification for assessments administered for NCVPS courses in which EOCs are administered.

If you teach in both an LEA and NCVPS, complete separate rosters for each district and school.
  • EVAAS does not combine data for teachers in both an LEA and NCVPS.
  • Admins and roster approvers in an LEA cannot view NCVPS rosters.
  • Students in NCVPS courses contribute to the school value-added growth measure.

It is critical that NCVPS teachers claim students on their NCVPS rosters, and not rosters in other districts. To determine which district and school a roster is associated with, check the District at the top of the roster. To help ensure that all data from roster verification is correct, you should remove rosters that are not needed.

In Roster Verification, teachers see the Schools option on the Reports menu when they have rosters associated with more than one school.

If you taught tested courses only at NCVPS, you should not have rosters for other schools. To ensure that unnecessary rosters are not included in the data, confirm that the Schools tab does not appear in the Reports menu. If you see a Schools tab, open it, select the non-NCVPS school, and remove the rosters associated with that school.

If you taught tested courses at NCVPS and one or more other districts, complete separate rosters for each school. Check the heading at the top of each roster to make sure it is associated with the correct school. Do not include NCVPS students and students from another school on the same roster.

To work on rosters for a different school, click the Schools tab. If the list under the Schools tab includes a school in which you did not teach, remove the rosters associated with that school. If you need to complete rosters at a school that does not appear in the Schools tab, contact your school admin for assistance.

If you taught courses jointly with Occupational Course of Study (OCS) teachers, do not claim the students on those rosters for more than 50%. FL VAM attempts to prepopulate rosters for face-to-face OCS teachers and NCVPS teachers with 50% in the Your % of Instruction column. Both teachers should verify their percentages of instructional responsibility for each student on the rosters.

If you taught non-OCS NCVPS courses in a tested course that was facilitated by local school employees, enter 100% in the Your % of Instruction column. Local staff should not claim instructional responsibility for these students.