Table of Contents

Teacher Value-Added

Student Growth Measure

The Student Growth Measure combines each teacher's growth index values from all tests and subjects in the most recent year to report an index and level (Exceeds Expected Growth, Meets Expected Growth, or Does Not Meet Expected Growth).

The Student Growth Measure includes all growth index values from K-2 Assessments, EOG, EOC, and CTE Post-Assessments in the most recent year.

These reports display an index value and level but do not display a growth measure. Because the growth measures for each grade and subject or course are on different scales, it's not possible to provide a meaningful composite growth measure. However, growth index values across all grades, subjects, and courses are on the same scale, so they can be combined in an appropriate and meaningful way. As a result, you will see a single index value for the composite.

The multi-year trend of the student growth measure is a simple average of three individual years, unlike multi-year trends on other value-added reports.

For information on how teacher composites are generated, see Statistical Models and Business Rules.

Understanding the Report

The table shows the teacher's index and Growth indicator. Teachers have a Student Growth Measure report even if they only have reporting for a single subject.

All subjects that contribute to the index are weighted by the number of students used in the Student Growth Measure report. However, the index is not simply the average of the index values for the individual subjects. This is because a new standard error is calculated, taking all the information from the included grades and subjects into account. This standard error is likely to be smaller for composites than for the individual grades and subjects because more data is used in the calculation. As a result, teacher composite index values might differ from the simple average of growth index values for individual grades and subjects.

Growth Indicators

The growth indicators applied to index values indicate how strong the evidence of growth is for the students served. When more data is available, there is more evidence to determine whether the group of students exceeded, met, or fell short of expected growth. The growth indicator of the composite might differ from the growth indicators for single subjects and grades or courses because there is more evidence when all the data is combined for the composite. With data from multiple grades and subjects, there is more evidence than for any single subject, grade, or course alone.

The growth indicators are color-coded using the same rules that are used in the value-added reports for single subjects.

ColorGrowth Index Compared to Expected GrowthInterpretation
Exceeds Expected Growth

At least 2 standard errors above

Significant evidence that students made more growth than expected (the index is 2 or greater).

Meets Expected Growth

Between 1 standard error above and 1 standard error below

Evidence that students made growth as expected (the index is between -2 and 2)

Does Not Meet Expected Growth

More than 2 standard errors below

Significant evidence that students made less growth than expected (the teacher's index is less than -2).

When a growth index falls exactly on the boundary between two colors, the higher growth indicator is assigned.

District Average

The option to display District Average is available when there is sufficient data. The District Average appears as a vertical purple line. This value represents the average of all teacher index values in the district for the selected grade and subject or course.

Distribution of Teachers

The table on the right displays the number of teachers statewide whose student growth measure falls within each Growth indicator. The distribution includes all teachers in the district who have a Student Growth Measure, regardless of the tests, subjects, or courses included in the composite.