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North Carolina's school districts, public schools, and charter schools receive web-based reporting through EVAAS, an educational visualization and analytics solution. EVAAS offers an objective way to measure student growth and the value schools add to students' educational attainment. EVAAS is a statistical analysis of North Carolina (NC) state assessment data, and the system provides NC schools with growth data to consider, in addition to achievement data. Educators are able to make data-informed instructional decisions to ensure academic growth and achievement of all students by using EVAAS. The information provided in this FAQ is designed to provide information to the public regarding the use of EVAAS growth measures for school accountability. Educators looking for information on the use of EVAAS should refer to documentation available on the restricted website (https://ncdpi.sas.com/).

School Reports

These reports show schoolwide growth across subjects and grades for all schools in North Carolina.

See School Reports
School Accountability Growth »

View schoolwide growth across subjects and grades for a particular school.

Comparison Reports

These reports provide schoolwide growth measures for all schools in North Carolina. This information allows for comparison of schools across the state, and includes interactive reports for selecting the data of interest.

See Comparison Reports
School Search »

Allows the user to find and view the achievement and growth of schools across North Carolina.

Scatterplots »

Interactive graphing tool that enables the user to plot a specific school profile as well as compare among many schools. The user may assess growth using a variety of demographic variables to ensure that all student groups experience optimum educational outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between achievement and growth?
  • Measures a student's performance at one single point in time
  • Correlates with a student's demographics
  • Compares student performance to a standard
  • Is critical to a student's post-secondary opportunities
  • Measures a student's growth across time (i.e., across years)
  • Is not related to student demographics
  • Compares a student's performance to his/her own prior performance
  • Is critical to ensuring a student's future academic success
What is value-added assessment?

Value-added is a statistical analysis used to measure the academic growth rates of groups of students in districts, schools, and classrooms from year-to-year. A value-added score is calculated in the following manner:

  • Growth = Current achievement compared to all prior achievement that is measured by a quality assessment, such as the end-of-grade (EOG) or end-of-course (EOC) assessments.
  • The methodology used by EVAAS has been published since 1997, and has been reviewed and validated by a number of value-added experts. One review completed by WestEd for the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction can be accessed at https://files.nc.gov/dpi/wested-1.pdf.
What is EVAAS?

EVAAS is a statistical analysis of student assessment data, such as the EOG and EOC assessments, over time. It provides districts and their schools with growth data to consider, in addition to achievement data. This lens of measuring student learning provides educators with information to help ensure they are meeting the academic needs of cohorts of students, as well as individual students.

EVAAS value-added reporting is available through a web application, which includes additional data and reporting so that educators and administrators can gain additional insight into their educational practices.

What are the benefits of EVAAS?

EVAAS provides a way to measure student growth in North Carolina's districts, schools, and classrooms. EVAAS allows educators to:

  • Monitor the growth of all groups of students from low-achieving to high-achieving, ensuring growth opportunities for all students
  • Make informed, data-driven decisions about where to focus resources to help students make greater growth and perform at higher levels
  • Collaborate with other districts/schools that may yield different growth results.
What is available for the public to review?

EVAAS, in conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, provides a Schoolwide Accountability Growth Composite. This growth composite provides information on how the school is performing overall on EOG and EOC assessments administered in a school. EVAAS also provides a graphing tool called scatterplots, which enables comparison among districts and schools on a variety of metrics, such as growth, achievement, and demographics.

What specific types of EVAAS reporting are available to districts and schools through the restricted website?

EVAAS provides two types of information, value-added (or growth) data on cohorts of students and student-level projection data.

The value-added reporting analyzes data from previous years and helps schools evaluate how much cohorts of students have gained in a school year.

The projection data uses the information already analyzed to help schools look to the future by answering questions such as: What is the likelihood that a student will be proficient on a future EOG, EOC, or college readiness exam? This data can be used for student intervention and resource allocation.

EVAAS is available for the following test areas:

  • K-2 assessments
  • Reading in grades three through eight
  • Math in grades four through eight
  • Science in grades five and eight
  • Math 1, Math 3, English II, and Biology
  • The ACT, SAT, PSAT, AP
  • Many of the Career and Technical Education Post-Assessments (CTE)

EVAAS is one of the many tools provided to districts from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Districts and schools are using EVAAS in conjunction with achievement data to make sure all students are working toward proficiency and college- and career-readiness.